Science Fair 2024 – Ivujivik This year, two teams from Nuvviti school in Ivujivik were regionally selected to represent Nunavik at the provincial indigenous science fair in Gatineau. Genevieve Simigak and Elisapi Ainalik, grade 5 and 6 students, presented a project on...



“I am honoured to announce that Louisa Grey has been nominated by Aupaluk for the Sivulirtik Award, presented by the Qarjuit Youth Council. Louisa is an outstanding woman who embodies beauty, strength, and inspiration. Her unwavering commitment to achieving her goals...

A Few Words from The New Board Members

A Few Words from The New Board Members

ALISON MESHER Vice-President [former] Ai inuuqatikkai! Quvianaq! First and foremost, I would like to thank Qarjuit Youth Council for the opportunity to be a part of the team to advocate for youth of Nunavik, what an honour! I was acclimated in October of 2023 and now...

General 2023 Election

General 2023 Election

Each year, all James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) beneficiaries aged 15 to 35 years old are called on to vote. This year, 2 positions were filled by acclamation. QYC was looking to elect a Vice-President, 2 Hudson Strait Representatives and there was 1...

Upcoming Regional Consultation Tour

Upcoming Regional Consultation Tour

Edition #12 - November 2024 QYC is coming to you! Did you know that Qarjuit Youth Council is planning a regional youth consultation tour soon? The latest consultations the Council held were back in September 2019, along two complete days of activities. A total of 30...