The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (“UNDRIP”) sets out minimum standards necessary for the survival, dignity and well-being of all Indigenous peoples.

This past March 2023, with the collaboration of Makivvik, Exeko and many great advisors, we brought our community leaders together to reflect on their rights and the different articles under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), opening the floor to discussion on where our governments should reinforce the focus for improvement.

Go check out our UNDRIP Booklet to see the youth leader’s recommendations around the national Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan for the health, education, environment and Inuit practices sectors.

Share your voice and send us your own drawings of your rights OR tag us on your social @qarjuit


We offered Nunavik youth, as the future leaders of their communities, an opportunity to better understand what the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) is and how it impacts their lives.

In collaboration with the Gordon Foundationwe created a space for many great advisors to share their experience and knowledge with youth about this important treaty.

It was also an occasion for youth to learn how to negotiate about two specific sections of the agreement (sections 17 and 15) on how to respectively propose a new vision for education in Nunavik, as well as on the mental health programming. The simulation was meant to offer a safe space to youth to learn about the following:
• Teach about your rights and how everything connects back to the JBNQA
• Give a hands-on learning opportunity to build a new vision for some parts of the JBNQA (education and mental health)
• Transfer knowledge and skills from current leaders and elders
• Help build connections with an amazing group of youth and advisors.

You’re interested to advocate with us, learn more on what we are advocating for Nunavimmiut Uvikkait at both levels of government.

Read our brief!

Read more on RAJ