Launched in September 2015, Qarjuit Youth Council (QYC) is an ethnic, non-for-profit organi­zation, which represents over 4,500 dynamic and dedicated Inuit youth of Nunavik and Chisasibi between the ages of 15 to 35 years old. We exist to provide our youth with opportunities and knowledge in order to improve their quality of life, to empower themselves and to explore their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders. Our youth priorities are mental health, inuit identity, school perseverance and youth network.


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Youth Committee Manual

You would like to create a Youth Committee in your community, but you don’t know where to start? This step-by-step Youth Committee Manual is one tool among many others to support you, through your journey engaging with other youth in your community and mobilizing them to create the projects and events you’d like to see happen around you.

Feel free to write to us if you would like to receive a hard copy directly to your P.O. Box.

Latest News



Science Fair 2024 – Ivujivik This year, two teams from Nuvviti school in Ivujivik were regionally selected to represent Nunavik at the provincial indigenous science fair in Gatineau. Genevieve Simigak and Elisapi Ainalik, grade 5 and 6 students, presented a project on...



“I am honoured to announce that Louisa Grey has been nominated by Aupaluk for the Sivulirtik Award, presented by the Qarjuit Youth Council. Louisa is an outstanding woman who embodies beauty, strength, and inspiration. Her unwavering commitment to achieving her goals...

Latest Events



A note of appreciation from Janice Parsons I am grateful to the Arctic Winter Games host society, Kativik Regional Government, and Makivvik for allowing me to witness the exceptional talent and sheer determination of our youth at the forefront of the games in Alaska....

Recap on the Be The Spark Campaign – March 2024

Recap on the Be The Spark Campaign – March 2024

The Be The Spark campaign was back for three weeks this past March! This is an amazing opportunity to spread positivity on social media by sharing someone you are genuinely proud of and nominating someone to join this positive movement! I believe in this campaign...