Since I became the Council’s interim President, we have faced many obstacles. The trust between one another became unbearable after facing some challenging unforeseen circumstances. Today, after a long wait, I feel like I’ve accomplished bringing back the positive...
Event and Political Voices
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COP-27 in egypt sharm el sheikh
Nov 1, 2023 | Event and Political Voices
Edition #11 - November 2023 The first three days into our trip were very emotional for me to leave my family and friends behind to travel overseas with someone I hadn’t known for too long. I was terrified, bawling my eyes out. It was quite a cultural shock. ...
Treaty Simulation – Few words from the youth perspective
Nov 1, 2023 | Event and Political Voices
Edition #11 - November 2023 “This event brings me closer to better understanding leadership and our rights as Inuit...this is just the beginning for a brighter future for our future generation.” From one of the participants Hi, my name is Janice Parsons, and I’m here...
Youth Political Representation
May 1, 2022 | Event and Political Voices
Edition #10 - May 2022 Susie-Anne Kudluk representing Inuit Youth on behalf of Qarjuit Youth Council and National Inuit Youth Council at the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Inuit Circumpolar Council board meetings in Ottawa back in April...