In Nunavik, 50% of the Inuit population was under 35 years old and 27% was between 15-34 years old. Median age in Nunavik was 35-years-old. (Statcan, census 2021)

Youth are a massive force for hope in Nunavik.

Youth must be heard by our governments. This is why, each year now, this political event [RAJ] allows Qarjuit to represent the Inuit youth and voice their needs and concerns through a political youth gathering of 3 days hosted by Force Jeunesse at the National Assembly, Quebec.

QYC attended for the second time, this past February 2023, this political gathering where we met with different political leaders, such as the Minister Ian Lafrenière, responsible for Indigenous Affairs, to discuss Inuit youth priorities and QYC needs in terms of development. This unique occasion was also a great opportunity for QYC to meet with over 30 other youth organizations and enhance discussions about youth leadership and further opportunities of collaborations.

These are the youth recommendations we advocate for

1. Strengthen Inuktitut programming for youth;

2. Support Inuit-led initiatives in mental health;

3. Foster relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous people;

4. Empower Inuit by creating education materials enabling them to learn in their mother tongue;

5. Make appropriate safe places accessible where youth can gather and learn;

6. Engage youth in building leadership skills by supporting activities and workshops connecting with the land and traditions;

7. Hire local resources;

Your voice matters. We are curious to hear your ideas.

Write to us and support us improving this campaign.