Edition #12 – November 2024
Who are you and what program were you studying?
My name is Nicolas Kulula-Lance and I’m studying in Physical Education at the University of Sherbrooke.
Is there anyone specific that you looked up to with the program that you studied in?
I can’t say I really looked up to anyone in the program that I’m in. It was mostly when I realized that I wanted to continue my studies in Physical Education that I started to admire some teachers that I had and the teachers that I encountered and engaged with.
Do you have any advice to the youth who may want to go into the program?
Just go after it. Just like any program or any studies, you have to be ready to commit and give it your best shot. Also, stay active for the fun of it, because you are there to do that 🙂
Besides all the work you do what is the thing you love to do when you have your time off? Few examples (Go boating, make crafts go for walks, etc..)
When I’m not studying or being involved with schoolwork, I like to play some guitar, play some sports, and work out that the gym. What I love most is during long breaks, I go back to Quaqtaq and hunt, fish, canoeing, all that fun stuff.
Would you like to share anything else to youth in Nunavik?
I would say get involved in something that you like. It could be anything, hunting, sports, music, sewing, animating, etc. As long as you like what you are doing and it keeps you going, I encourage you to continue doing so.