Back on June 3rd and 4th, we had the honour of being invited to a crucial meeting with the Quebec Youth Secretariat’s circle of Indigenous partners in Quebec City!
Mikana, Wapikoni Mobile, the Cree Nation Youth Council, Réseau jeunesse des Premières Nations/ First Nations Youth Network, Fondation Nouveau Sentiers /New Path Foundation, Puamun Meshkenu, Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec, Percolab, Chaire Réseau Jeunesse, Femmes Autochtones du Québec/ Quebec Native Women, along with the Qarjuit Youth Council were all present to bring their reality and insights to the table.
It was such a great opportunity for us to connect, discuss serious topics, dreams and goals while bringing a touch of humour to the meeting, reconnecting with our inner child. We did brainstorm and plan new ways of collaboration, unify our ideas to create a stronger voice.
We’re committed to bringing our voices together and better representing our youth members! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work hand in hand, making a difference and having FUN along the way! Great are things coming, that’s for sure!