December 18, 2024
Steering Committee – SAJ

Back on June 3rd and 4th, we had the honour of being invited to a crucial meeting with the Quebec Youth Secretariat’s circle of Indigenous partners in Quebec City!

Mikana, Wapikoni Mobile, the Cree Nation Youth Council, Réseau jeunesse des Premières Nations/ First Nations Youth Network, Fondation Nouveau Sentiers /New Path Foundation, Puamun Meshkenu, Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec, Percolab, Chaire Réseau Jeunesse, Femmes Autochtones du Québec/ Quebec Native Women, along with the Qarjuit Youth Council were all present to bring their reality and insights to the table.

It was such a great opportunity for us to connect, discuss serious topics, dreams and goals while bringing a touch of humour to the meeting, reconnecting with our inner child. We did brainstorm and plan new ways of collaboration, unify our ideas to create a stronger voice.

We’re committed to bringing our voices together and better representing our youth members! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work hand in hand, making a difference and having FUN along the way! Great are things coming, that’s for sure!

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What is Uvikkait Ullumi?

Uvikkait Ullumi is a newspaper that highlights youth achievements, initiatives and concerns in the region. This project also passes on relevant information and promotes plenty of opportunities in order to inspire and empower the younger generations to become more active in the region. The newspaper is offered in both Inuktitut and English.