Tuniq Ningiuruvik
Q-What is your name, where are you from, what is your role, and how long have you been in your position?
My name is Tuniq Ningiuruvik and I am from Quaqtaq. I am the Director General and I have been in this position since November 2017. I started as a youth coordinator in 2003, I have had different job titles since then in this same association.
Q — How many youth centers and coordinators are there in Nunavik?
There are currently 12 youth centres and 12 youth coordinators, we are expecting to see 5 new youth houses built this year.
Q — What does recognizing a community youth centre take to achieve such an award?
We observed and awarded a youth centre that performed the best with the tasks they have to do. It is a way to motivate the employees to organize activities for the youth and perform well with their responsibilities.
Q — What kind of award did the Kuujjuaraapik Youth Center receive?
The employees received an all-expenses paid, 5-day trip to Montreal to do activities in amusement parks.
Q — Can you mention one or two areas that NYHA needs to focus on to enhance and improve the services in the region?For instance, is more funding, staff, renovations, or building infrastructure required?
We are working to improve the functioning of the youth centers that need improvements by sending human resources to give the employees training on how to manage a youth center and to organize activities in their communities, a collaboration with other organizations in the communities is welcomed to organize activities for school aged 5 to 19. We have been renovating the old buildings over and over in some of the villages, two of the villages will get new buildings this year and another village in the coming year, we hope to achieve building new youth centers in more of the villages in the coming years by collaborating with other organizations in Nunavik and outside of Nunavik, plus the provincial and federal governments.
Q — What keeps you motivated in your role?
My motivation is the youth, for them to have something to do and hope for a better future for them. There are many opportunities even in small villages, although they may be less than living in the South, they are still there. My hope is also for the young people who work in the youth centers to be able to work efficiently in other working environments when they decide to change professions in the future.
Q — What message would you like to convey to the Quebec government?
That the youth are here, and they need buildings for them to have something to do rather than being out there and do the things they are not supposed to do. The youth centers are one of the vital places in the communities to prevent such things.
Q — Would you like to share a message with the youth and the rest of Nunavimmiut?
To the youth, I want to mention that you have a future ahead of you with various potential careers. Good and bad things will always be there, avoid doing the bad things and report them, and always mention the good things that happen, having gratitude makes you feel good and makes you content with what you have. Perform the best you can at school and if you have a job, perform the best you can, be on-time and do the tasks you have to do with efficiency. Be nice to your friends, family and those around you. For Nunavimmiut, let’s not neglect our children. What we teach them is what they learn. Inirtiqattalugillu sirnaatuinnarunnailugit suralattuviniuppata. Angajurqaangutsuta naammangittunik naammatunillu qaujimatitsiqattariaqaratta. Aukaakainnaqattamilugit sunagalannik piluarturiliruttigu.